Currently . . .

I am here for you!
I am not the best online social media engager, and my website s*cks . . but . .

Over the last years I worked with over 2000+ people in trainings and through Yoga Therapy & Coaching. That is were my energy flows naturally.

Soon the Online Yin Training

will start in case you like to empower yourself and upgrade your quality of life.
Or if you like to start a home practice to boost your health in your own time, let me know, we make you a personal program.

A new website is in the making.
Feel welcome to drop me a note, about anything!
Send me a message to keep yourself updated, or hop on my facebook page

With much love and health,

Upcoming Teacher Training Courses

Kopie van Yoga Therapy (1)

If you ever played with the thought of taking a Yoga Teacher Training Course here are your opportunities to join!
Whilst life is slowing down on the island and preparing for the monsoon to come October is a beautiful month with mostly mild days and nights and a low tourist vibe. Which provides enough space for everyone to enjoy an empty beach, a peaceful swim or drive the roads with ease to explore the island!

29 Sept – 25 Oct
ONE YOGA THAILAND | focus on Hatha Yoga, Meditation, Art of Teaching, Philosophy, Anatomy & Yogic Living
In the beautiful lush resort of One Yoga you will find 3 shalas with amazing seaview, onside bungalows and a restaurant which will make your month of Yoga-bubble complete and provides an easy environment to fully immerse yourself!

TTC runs every months of the year!

Take your chance and check
(discount available via me)

OYT scenery

1-26 October
ORION – Healing Center  | focus Asthanga-Vinyasa Yoga, Healing modalities, Anatomy and Vegan lifestyle.

Practice teaching in small groups, explore the interplay of connection to spirit through Reiki, the power of plant based nutrition and their properties for healing. A unique combination to empowering yourself as a Yoga teacher with Art of Teaching, Philosophy and Anatomy.

The holistic approach of this TTC is truly unique and will give you everything you need to grow both physically and spiritually and teach with authenticity and integrity.All supported by delicious vegan meals in the award-winning beach-front restaurant.

TTC repeats in May and October each year.

Orion event


Life is what you make of it!

To know the Way,
We go the Way;
We do the Way
The way we do
The things we do.
It’s all there in front of you,
But if you try too hard to see it,
You’ll only become Confused.

Sitting early morning in this Indian cafe, having a coffee so strong it makes my hands tremble… Ants are crawling out of my new laptop (eeks, I try not to worry !)
A cow is walking in to chew some last night leftovers…

I am back in the land of plenty, the sacred Motherland where I feel challenged and alive. My senses are making overtime, but my brain rests, my body can receive, and my spirit feels home 🙂

Since the end of this year is near contemplation arises, making me super grateful for all the opportunities and challenges this year and the ability to embrace my dark sides.
This year has been full, sometimes too full… Having an eager personality is challenging,
I tried to have a part in all what was presented to me, to serve everyone, which was impossible and no good for any.

I became more aware that when my serving goes in overdrive I am actually losing the connection with myself, and go against my true nature…  Learned to say Yes to myself more and more. Little by little I feel more comfortable to share my emotions, to be vulnerable, and especially to take critic.
Thank you all for being so good for me, to bear with me, and to show the courage to confront me!

All the pieces of last 44 years puzzle and the lives before are starting to make a beautiful whole, things fall in place, make more sense, and I can put things to rest.
Last May I had a Numerology session, I was able to ask any question, but I had only one. Am I walking my path?
Deep down I feel I know I am, but it was superb to receive the confirmation that doing it my way is just right!
That I am where I need to be, doing what I need to do, and when I doubt I have to  remind myself, since it is so easy to forget!

So my purpose in life is clear for the moment, how to forfill is not clear and I leave it up to the universe that it will guide my spirit.
I strongly feel that I have to inspire and teach, in my own way, not comparing myself to any other teacher… and that was exactly also the outcome of the Numerology session.
I did not read the 85 pages report that came with it. I do not want to know what is coming my way, I like to follow my instincts, test myself and trust the process with two feet sturdy grounded … practice practice, all is coming

Since the session things fell into place, being extremely grateful for teaching Teacher Training nowadays… all these unique people that crossed my path and opened up to the practice and more important… their own selves. They shared their process, which intertwined with mine. You all are my biggest teachers, you all amaze me time after time and I feel so blessed to be part of it all.

I now have to allow myself to even go slower then I have been going the last few years. To keep a clear focus, and not want to do it all. Being here in Palolem Goa is the ultimate test, surrounded by all walks of life in an environment which is fueled with all kinds of temptations and opportunities…
Even here it’s a daytime job to stay connected and true to myself without judgement and expectations taking over. But life is sweet, and I am so fortunate to share and live it!
Thank you for being part of it!!!

And… practice practice, all is coming … prepare yourself, since you have to face it anyways…
Life can be cruel or supersweet, the choice is up to YOU!

-btw; this coffee feels like I am on drugs, although I have actually no clue how that is in realtime 🙂 –

I am me,
And you are you,
As you can see;
But when you do,
The things you can do,
You will find the Way,
And the Way will follow you.

Taken from the Tao of Pooh


We want to spend our holiday with You!

Yes! We are ready for you!!!
Laetitia Mandel
and I finalized our holiday together which we want to spent with you in the South of France!!
Laetitia and I met in 2014 on the beautiful beaches of Goa and we clicked right away. She, being a beautiful French playful soul, who spend the last 16 years in Amsterdam chasing love and studying NLP. And me, the more down to earth Dutchy but oh so passionate yoga teacher. 
Last winter we decided that we like to combine our passions & skills to give something back to the world. Laetitia moved back to France, living in this gorgeous villa, and soon the idea for a “Holiday for your Body, Mind & Soul” was born.

Yes a Holiday, not a retreat, although it will be a retreat, from your everyday life, but also a holiday since we give you plenty of time to do whatever you like. It is all set in a privat villa with a pool and gorgeous in and outdoor spaces in beautiful surroundings.

We will take care of your in- and outside for 7 full days, 8 nights, starting with a comfortable bed, bath and amazing food. Daily yoga (suitable for all) and 4 days of NLP practice. Also privat NLP sessions, Thai massage and life or yoga coaching will be on offer. And as you wish to undertake outings instead of lazing next to the pool then there is a whole range of superb activities on the 3 free days from beachbumming to wine-tasting, and exploring the stunning countryside.

We like to keep the group small (max 8 people) to create a little community, and the price low! Starting at 500€ p.p. incl. your accommodation, food (3 meals), yoga and NLP!!!
Did I tickle your senses? More information to be found here on facebook or  Laetitias website, and feel free to send me an inquiry for more info or your questions. Lets go on a holiday together!


The program is set up to create a holiday for your body, mind & soul while plus the space for you to build new foundations for a balanced life with the tools on offer.

Including 3 meals a day on full day plus sbnacks and diner on arrival and breakfast on departure.

Saturday: arrivals
Sunday: free day to get to know each other & enjoy the surroundings, yoga

Monday & Tuesday:
Morning yoga & meditation practice
Open frame NLP group sessions

Wednesday: free day
With possibility to do the morning yoga & meditation practice

Possibilities in the surrounding include:
Laying on the beach, hiking a hill or a mountain, enjoy a walk in the local majestic Gorges de l’ Héric or in vineyards, lunch in one of the many old historic building, or even a wine tasting… Or a combination of some of these! Or just play lizard by laying in & out of the pool.

Thursday & Friday:
Morning yoga & meditation practice
Open frame NLP group sessions & private NLP coaching sessions with me

Friday evening & saturday are for us to celebrate, relax & enjoy again the surroundings

Sunday: departures

My train of thoughts


“If you knew me 5 years ago, you don’t know me now, if you knew me 2 years ago, you don’t know me now,
if you knew me last week, i’ve gone thru some changes since then… We are constantly evolving at this time. ”


It seems things are changing within at a faster and faster rate…which it is, in a positive way.. And this acceleration seems to happen most at intervals spent focusing on our inner selves and our inner connection to the outer… A time to sit still. Often.

Shifts happen at times of learning, reading, listening, and times of the closing and opening of situations and relationships.

Change is growth…Mental, learning to take complete control of our thoughts and minds, knowing their ability to project and create the future we want to see, feel, and experience…

Creators of the New Era, the New Reality, Musicians, Real Leaders, Lovers, Teachers, Believers, Evolvers… but most important … YOU!!!!

Keep Growing, Keep Learning, Keep Reading, Keep Going…!  I am with You.

Inhale the good shit ♡ exhale all bullshit!

(Freely copied and adjusted from a quote of Blue King Brown which resonated with me)

The Experiment

(note that this post is from december 2014 🙂

Maybe you know me for a while, maybe you just bumped into me.
Maybe you experienced a difference lately in me being me …
… maybe you don’t know any different from like I am.
Maybe you heard of my experiment.
Maybe not …

Anyways … the last 2 years have been great, and also sometimes not so good, confronting & most of all knowing that it is as it is, and that it is ok. Actually very much OK!

I started my experiment when I returned from my India trip in march 2013, ready to stay HOME for at least two years, to observe what would happen when I stay put, and to make room to digest the last 15 years…

To do so I invented a masterplan:
*Stay HOME in Utrecht
*No job until my pockets were empty
*No big travels
*Complete a two year master-study
*Teach one yogaclass a week
*Experience the cold,
by staying a first full winter in 15 years on Dutch grounds
*Enjoy life!!

And so I tried to master my plan. A few months on the way, a steady part-time job became part of this masterplan, sooner than expected. In the meanwhile I was picking fruits… enjoying little getaways, cooking at festivals, taking workshops, holidaying at Ibiza, teaching yoga more and more, and diving into some lovely events.

Little by little I arrived …
not like in a place,
but more in a space,

When that feeling arrived I knew my experiment succeeded, although not having completed my full two years, the masterplan served its purpose and went out of the window!

The path I walk on now is nor steep or downhill, more like flowing through fields, and I have no clue where it is leading me, it has no clear roadsigns and sometimes I get lost, and it feels good!
Making choices from the heart and just because I know. Really knowing I can rely on it.

Being really thankful for all the beautiful souls I met all these years. You all made a difference, taught me something, showed me life from different angles, opened my eyes, invited me to come closer to the fire, so I could warm myself to all the good things this life has to offer. I hope we can share many more beautiful years to come, learn from eachother, find comfort in eachothers company, even when you are at the other side of the planet.

Knowing we are all one!
Knowing HOME is where the heart is.
HOME is within you, and so can be anywhere and everywhere.
Travelling through life with your best friend, your self.

Very soon I will return to one of my favorite grounds, where I felt safe and inspired before.
And I will take my very best friend with me 🙂